The Kenauk Institute is a nonprofit charitable organization on the property of Kenauk in Montebello, Quebec, Canada. Kenauk is one of the largest private nature reserves in North America encompassing 65,000 acres of forest and more than 60 lakes.
The mission of The Kenauk Institute is to support, coordinate and supervise scientific research, involve local schools in environmental education, and connect Kenauk with the broader community. The vision is to establish a baseline inventory of biodiversity and monitor the property with a 100 year time horizon. With time, Kenauk will become a laboratory for monitoring climate change and human impacts.
Thanks to a partnership with the Nature Conservancy of Canada and a dedicated team of biologists, we hope to accomplish the permanent protection of North America’s largest private nature reserve.
The FECP Lab is committed to ensuring that recreational fisheries are sustainable by improving the science and practice of catch-and-release.
The FECP Lab is committed to ensuring that recreational fisheries are sustainable by improving the science and practice of catch-and-release.
Biodiversity conservation depends on deep knowledge about the smaller and hyper-diverse animals in the world, including insects and spiders.
Biodiversity conservation depends on deep knowledge about the smaller and hyper-diverse animals in the world, including insects and spiders.
While loon populations are currently stable, a number of threats loom, including human encroachment and pollution.
While loon populations are currently stable, a number of threats loom, including human encroachment and pollution.
In 2014, NCC began a series of inventories on the property of Kenauk with the goal of documenting it’s biodiversity to exemplify its value.
In 2014, NCC began a series of inventories on the property of Kenauk with the goal of documenting it’s biodiversity to exemplify its value.
Is angling for nesting bass (even catch-and-release) detrimental to their reproductive success and consequently to population level recruitment?
Is angling for nesting bass (even catch-and-release) detrimental to their reproductive success and consequently to population level recruitment?
Zoning Kenauk on a fine scale is foreseen to define the management of the various resources for the territory.
Zoning Kenauk on a fine scale is foreseen to define the management of the various resources for the territory.
Vernal pools are specialized wildlife habitats but because they are small in size and temporary, they are difficult to identify and therefore protect.
Vernal pools are specialized wildlife habitats but because they are small in size and temporary, they are difficult to identify and therefore protect.
The goal of this project was to determine if forestry management practices impact pollinators and how they interact with plants.
The goal of this project was to determine if forestry management practices impact pollinators and how they interact with plants.
The goal of this project is to determine the feeding habits of coyotes through fecal DNA metabarcoding analyses.
The goal of this project is to determine the feeding habits of coyotes through fecal DNA metabarcoding analyses.
In 2015 the Papineau lake dam was converted into a weir to improve fish access and aquatic habitats between the lake and the Kinonge River.
In 2015 the Papineau lake dam was converted into a weir to improve fish access and aquatic habitats between the lake and the Kinonge River.
The goal of this project is to continue the long term monitoring of water quality in Papineau Lake.
The goal of this project is to continue the long term monitoring of water quality in Papineau Lake.
This research project will identify and document Kenauk’s cultural resources as well as classify geological sites of interest for exploration.
This research project will identify and document Kenauk’s cultural resources as well as classify geological sites of interest for exploration.
Biodiversity is central to the resilience and health of our ecosystems, especially today as we face unprecedented environmental challenges.
Biodiversity is central to the resilience and health of our ecosystems, especially today as we face unprecedented environmental challenges.
The goal of this project is to determine the ecological factors that facilitate the successful invasion of non-indigenous slugs.
The goal of this project is to determine the ecological factors that facilitate the successful invasion of non-indigenous slugs.
The goal of this project is to understand the hydrologic dynamics of Papineau Lake and how those dynamics are related to shoreline wetlands.
The goal of this project is to understand the hydrologic dynamics of Papineau Lake and how those dynamics are related to shoreline wetlands.
The goal of this project is to assess the effects of different forestry management techniques on forest productivity and resilience.
The goal of this project is to assess the effects of different forestry management techniques on forest productivity and resilience.
Despite their ecological importance, the effects of forestry on vernal pool hydrology and herpetofauna are unknown.
Despite their ecological importance, the effects of forestry on vernal pool hydrology and herpetofauna are unknown.
The goal of this project is to understand the spatial ecology, population dynamics and fishery for lake trout and black bass in Papineau Lake.
The goal of this project is to understand the spatial ecology, population dynamics and fishery for lake trout and black bass in Papineau Lake.
This project will include the validation of an annual forest planning approach which incorporates airborne LiDAR technology.
This project will include the validation of an annual forest planning approach which incorporates airborne LiDAR technology.
Crayfish play important roles in freshwater systems, including those of ecosystem engineers and bio-indicators of water quality and habitat.
Crayfish play important roles in freshwater systems, including those of ecosystem engineers and bio-indicators of water quality and habitat.
A telemetry tracking and moose health data collection program across the province, with a specific focus on calves and moose recruitment.
A telemetry tracking and moose health data collection program across the province, with a specific focus on calves and moose recruitment.
Bats play ecological roles that are vital to the health of ecosystems, including pest control, pollinating plants and seed dispersal.
Bats play ecological roles that are vital to the health of ecosystems, including pest control, pollinating plants and seed dispersal.
The Adirondack – Laurentians ecological corridor boasts a wide variety of habitats that still maintain ecological integrity and are rich in biodiversity.
The Adirondack – Laurentians ecological corridor boasts a wide variety of habitats that still maintain ecological integrity and are rich in biodiversity.
The interactions between forest tent caterpillars and forest composition as well as the role of predation in outbreak dynamics.
The interactions between forest tent caterpillars and forest composition as well as the role of predation in outbreak dynamics.
Is fish predation the main determinant of community composition and dynamics for dragonflies?
Is fish predation the main determinant of community composition and dynamics for dragonflies?
Modelling habitat quality for the Canada Warbler using LiDAR technology on the forest shrub layer.
Modelling habitat quality for the Canada Warbler using LiDAR technology on the forest shrub layer.
Freshwater mussels are among the most threatened faunal groups globally, with nearly 30% of Canada’s species considered at risk.
Freshwater mussels are among the most threatened faunal groups globally, with nearly 30% of Canada’s species considered at risk.
The objective of this project is to carry out long-term monitoring of the annual densities of voles and forest mice at Kenauk.
The objective of this project is to carry out long-term monitoring of the annual densities of voles and forest mice at Kenauk.
The objective of this project is to safely sample Ixodes scapularis ticks at Kenauk in order to inform management and prevention of Lyme disease.
The objective of this project is to safely sample Ixodes scapularis ticks at Kenauk in order to inform management and prevention of Lyme disease.
Eurasian milfoil is a widespread invasive plant and brings with it a suite of negative impacts for humans and ecosystems.
Eurasian milfoil is a widespread invasive plant and brings with it a suite of negative impacts for humans and ecosystems.
Study the variation of sugar content in the tissues of sugar maple trees and its allocation to growth according to its age and the season.
Study the variation of sugar content in the tissues of sugar maple trees and its allocation to growth according to its age and the season.
In southern Quebec, forests face two threats: the beech invasion of maple groves and the increase of droughts with climate change.
In southern Quebec, forests face two threats: the beech invasion of maple groves and the increase of droughts with climate change.
Insect herbivores have long been recognized as important drivers of forest ecosystems by damaging leaves and decreasing forest productivity.
Insect herbivores have long been recognized as important drivers of forest ecosystems by damaging leaves and decreasing forest productivity.
The goal is to understand how hydrological connectivity, biodiversity and lotic ecosystems are affected by forestry and climate change.
The goal is to understand how hydrological connectivity, biodiversity and lotic ecosystems are affected by forestry and climate change.
The goal of this project is to analyze the relevance of trout thermal biology to the management of fisheries resources at Kenauk.
The goal of this project is to analyze the relevance of trout thermal biology to the management of fisheries resources at Kenauk.
It is thought that over time, colonies of non-native honeybees have escaped from apiaries and since become wild in the forests of northeastern North America.
It is thought that over time, colonies of non-native honeybees have escaped from apiaries and since become wild in the forests of northeastern North America.
Following the most recent outbreak of spongy moths, this project is investigating possible factors that may help predict spongy moth reservoirs between outbreaks.
Following the most recent outbreak of spongy moths, this project is investigating possible factors that may help predict spongy moth reservoirs between outbreaks.
Broad-winged hawks traverse many diverse landscapes with various anthropogenic and natural threats not only during migration but also in their breeding and wintering areas.
Broad-winged hawks traverse many diverse landscapes with various anthropogenic and natural threats not only during migration but also in their breeding and wintering areas.
Besides the well-known fact that peatlands are excellent carbon reservoirs, there is no database on the carbon reservoirs stored by wetlands in Quebec.
Besides the well-known fact that peatlands are excellent carbon reservoirs, there is no database on the carbon reservoirs stored by wetlands in Quebec.
The goal of the project is to determine and compare the contamination of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) frequenting agricultural versus forest environments.
The goal of the project is to determine and compare the contamination of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) frequenting agricultural versus forest environments.
The objective of the project is to determine whether urban warblers have different migration phenology than rural warblers (ex. Kenauk), and whether they encounter different threats during migration.
The objective of the project is to determine whether urban warblers have different migration phenology than rural warblers (ex. Kenauk), and whether they encounter different threats during migration.
Droughts are increasingly common and intense disturbances in Quebec with potential repercussions on maple production.
Droughts are increasingly common and intense disturbances in Quebec with potential repercussions on maple production.
The objective of this project is to quantify how dams impact biodiversity and food webs, as well as ecosystem functions.
The objective of this project is to quantify how dams impact biodiversity and food webs, as well as ecosystem functions.
Invasive Eurasian milfoil is becoming an increasingly significant issue; it is therefore important to understand how this aquatic plant affects fish communities.
Invasive Eurasian milfoil is becoming an increasingly significant issue; it is therefore important to understand how this aquatic plant affects fish communities.
Collecting demographic and habitat data from white trillium populations will contribute to our understanding of how populations change as we get closer to the species’ northern range edge.
Collecting demographic and habitat data from white trillium populations will contribute to our understanding of how populations change as we get closer to the species’ northern range edge.
The wood of trees serves many important functions influencing fitness; it provides mechanical support, transports water via hydraulic conduits, and stores water and essential compounds such as carbohydrates and secondary metabolites.
The wood of trees serves many important functions influencing fitness; it provides mechanical support, transports water via hydraulic conduits, and stores water and essential compounds such as carbohydrates and secondary metabolites.
Little is known about painted turtle populations at Kenauk, and no studies have assessed the natural drivers of their abundance unrelated to urbanization.
Little is known about painted turtle populations at Kenauk, and no studies have assessed the natural drivers of their abundance unrelated to urbanization.
The goal of the Cloud to Aquifer Natural laboratory (CANO) project is to establish a state-of-the-art network of experimental watersheds that will provide data to trace water pathways throughout the water cycle and across the Earth system components, in the cold and humid climate of eastern Canada.
The goal of the Cloud to Aquifer Natural laboratory (CANO) project is to establish a state-of-the-art network of experimental watersheds that will provide data to trace water pathways throughout the water cycle and across the Earth system components, in the cold and humid climate of eastern Canada.
Assessing the best management strategies in relation to increasing the overall resilience of forests to invasive pests, disease and climate change.
Assessing the best management strategies in relation to increasing the overall resilience of forests to invasive pests, disease and climate change.
With its myriad of lakes, the Kenauk property is an exceptional location for aquatic surveys and research projects. To accomplish this, the Kenauk Institute offers a wide range of boats and vessels to its researchers and guests, consisting of non-powered crafts (e.g., kayaks, canoes) and powered crafts (electric or gas motor).
Learn MoreWith its myriad of lakes, the Kenauk property is an exceptional location for aquatic surveys and research projects. To accomplish this, the Kenauk Institute offers a wide range of boats and vessels to its researchers and guests, consisting of non-powered crafts (e.g., kayaks, canoes) and powered crafts (electric or gas motor).
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