Papineau Lake Hydrology Project
– Dr. Marie Larocque (UQAM), Dr. Stéphanie Pellerin, Dr. Raphaël Proulx (UQTR)
The goal of this project is to understand the hydrologic dynamics of Papineau Lake and how those dynamics are related to shoreline wetlands using three specific objectives. 1) Establish a monitoring network and hydrological alert system around Papineau Lake (Figure 13). Quantifying the lakes hydrodynamics will allow an estimation of how the lake will be affected in the long-term by land use changes and climate change. Probes that measure water levels and inflow/outflow volumes were installed throughout the lake for long term monitoring as well as a weather station. A hydrological model is also being developed to understand the processes regulating the lake’s hydrology and the watershed but also to simulate the impacts of future scenarios, such as climate change. 2) Locate and characterize the lake’s shoreline wetlands and identify the anthropogenic pressures they face. Indicator species, species at risk and insect bioacoustic signatures will be identified in these areas so as to designate them as protection zones. The natural and anthropogenic pressures these wetlands face will be identified, with a specific focus on shoreline thermal regimes and shoreline erosion by waves. 3) Create a list of recommendations to prevent / mitigate the negative effects of these pressures on the wetlands of Papineau Lake. An eco-nautical map of Papineau showing areas of specific concern will be created along with a set of regulations to help reinforce the conservation of the entire lake and watershed.
Stay tuned for results