Development of a partnership research project on the role of winter ticks in the ecology of moose populations
– Laval University and the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs
This project will evaluate the role of the winter tick in moose population dynamics along a moose density, weather and predation gradient from southern New Brunswick to north of the St. Lawrence River. The priority will be to focus tagging efforts on calves, which represent the segment of the population most likely to be adversely affected by winter ticks, which in turn would affect recruitment. In addition, this project will certainly update our current knowledge of moose population dynamics and ecology in general. This is the first moose research initiative of such magnitude in Quebec. This project will establish a telemetry tracking and moose health data collection program across the province. Topics will include 1) the health, population dynamics and ecology of moose populations, 2) the biology and epidemiology of winter ticks, and 3) the proactive management of moose in a climate change context.
Stay tuned for results